

The coat. The weather it´s been really bad lately, I guess the pronostic was really wrong. It was supposed to be sun till march or something like that. This week was all rainy, just yesterday as you saw on my instagram account the sun came out for a few minutes.

So, because of the weather I decided to wear this Vintage Coat, it is so big and it kept me warm all day,  decided to pair it with a houndstooth pants (Old, but here it comes what I said on the ripped jeans post, never give away clothes... you never know when you'll use them), and my Zara booties. which are really amazing, oh! and they are for sale now. So... go and buy them.

El abrigo. El clima ha estado un poco gris ultimamente, creo que el pronostico se ha equivocado. Se suponia que debia haber sol hasta Marzo o algo así, pero no, esta semana ha estad lloviendo casi todos los días, solo ayer como pudieron ver en mi cuenta de instagram salio el sol por unos minutitos.

Y, por el clima decidi usar este abrigo vintage, es tan grande y me mantuvo todo el día calienta, decidi usarlo con un pantalon gallinero (Viejo, pero aquí otra vez digo lo mismo que dije en la entrada de ripped jeans, nunca regales la ropa, nunca se sabe cuando las uses o las necesites), y mis botines de Zara, que amo, ah! y estan en rebajas.. asi que compralos yaaa.

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1 comment:

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