
Old school new baby "Nikon N2000"

I was really busy with uni this month, I have a lot of  work lately, and I do not have the time to post, it's that little time, that I have on my bloglovin' account about 300 unread posts. I hated it because my computer went really slow and I have to mark the "mark all as read" button, I could not read any of those posts except for the blogs I check daily.

On the other hand apart for not having time, I am enjoying a lot my photography classes, I had to buy an analogue camera. I bought a canon T70, but it broke immediately, so I had to change it for this gorgeous Nikon N2000. I was really in love with the T70 since my dad has lenses for this "old" cameras, and it would be such a waste if I forgot about this lenses, and just keep on with this Nikon, so I hope the one that I bought on ebay works, and maybe this beauty can find another home, someone that really appreciates the classics, and the "old school" photography. 

Take care

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