
Cold Days

Today was my first day of uni! I am really excited, I am loving everything about it. At first I was a little worried about what it was going to be, what would happen if it isn't the right program, but now I am really excited about it. everything is so magical and amazing.

I don't know why but it tends to be really cold, I've never feel that cold in my life, until Thursday and Friday! today I really knew what I was wearing. On the top no problem but my legs were freezing, maybe I'll have to buy some of those thermal clothes.  I chose a shirt (which is not seen on the pictures) a black sweater from my mom's, and a kind of "poncho" If i may say it like that. Also I was wearing a scarves. Can you believe that it was difficult to feel warm, but I finally made it, the class was full, so it was a little bit impossible not to.

Hoy fue mi primer día de universidad! Estoy muy emocionada! Estoy amando todo de ello. al principio tenia miedo de lo que iba a ser, que pasaria si no había escogido la carrera correcta, pero ahora estoy realmente entusiasmada, todo es mágico e increible.

No se por qué, pero la universidad tiende a ser muy fria, en mi vida había sentido tanto frio. Hoy estaba preparada para el frio. En la parte de arriba no hubo problema, pero mis piernas se estaban congelando, creo que tengo que comprar ropa termica. Escogí una camisa (No se ve en las fotos), un saco negro de mi mamá, y una clase de "poncho" si asi lo puedo decir. También esta usando una bufandita. Pueden creer que fue dificil sentir calor, pero lo logre, la clase estaba llena, asi que era imposible no hacerlo.

I used the self-timer on my new Canon EOS 7D, but I don't think I did a great job, I really need to get someone to take my pictures, it is a nightmare, maybe I'll buy those remote controls. I am receiving reviews.

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